• 服装工程





Building and EnvironmentInternational Journal of Heat & Mass TransferNature CommunicationsApplied Thermal EngineeringTextile Research JournalInternational Journal of Thermal Sciences等高水平期刊上发表SCI/SSCI收录论文50余篇(第一作者/通讯作者论文35篇),出版中英文合著书籍5章节,申请国内发明专利5项(已授权2项),参加国内外学术会议10余次,并多次在环境工效、人体安全防护、纺织服装等国际学术会议上作口头报告,获得优秀学术论文奖10余项。另外,主持国家自然科学基金、教育部人文社科基金、上海市青年科技英才扬帆计划、上海市晨光人才计划、军工等科研项目,参与多项国家级、省部级、军工等科研项目的研究工作。







6. 2018年上海市优秀毕业生.

7. 2018年东华大学优秀博士论文.


9. 2017年“东华大学学术之星”



  1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,2024.1-2027.12,主持

  2. 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,2021.1-2023.12,主持

  3. 上海市晨光计划,2021.1-2023.12,主持

  4. 教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金,2020.1-2022.12,主持

  5. 上海市青年科技英才扬帆计划,2019.5-2022.4,主持

  6. 解放军部队,2018.9-2018.11,主持

  7. 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金自由探索项目(理工科),2019.1- 2021.12,主持

  8. 上海市高性能纤维复合材料协同创新中心开放课题,2019.6-2020.5,主持

  9. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,2016.3-2019.12,参与

  10. 上海市自然科学基金,2017.5-2020.4,参与

  11. 国家电网研究院,2018.6-2019.6,参与

  12. 波司登股份有限公司,2018.6-2019.6,参与

  13. 国家级一流本科课程,《服装材料学》,2020,参与

  14. 纺织之光”中国纺织工业联合会高等教育教学改革研究项目,2021.7-2024.6,参与


1. Guangju Liu,Yun Su*, Wen Zhu, et al. Numerical simulation of heat transfer in electrically heated footwear in a severely cold environment. Building and Environment (2022): 108429.

2. Na Xu, Guangju Liu,Yun Su*, et al. Modeling of heat transfer and thermal regulation for electric heating glove against cold environment[J]. International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics, 2022: 1-36.

3. Yange Wei,Yun Su*, Jun Li and Jianda Huang. A test device to characterize cold-contact protective performance of fabric. Journal of Industrial Textiles, 2021.5

4.Yun Su, Miao Tian, Xianghui Zhang, et al. Quantitative analysis of moisture distribution and transfer in firefighter protective clothing exposed to low-intensity radiation with/without hot steam[J]. International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics, 2021: 1-28.

5. Yun Su, Wen Zhu, Miao Tian, et al. Intelligent bidirectional thermal regulation of phase change material incorporated in thermal protective clothing. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2020, 174: 115340.

6.Yun Su, Jie Yang, Rui Li, et al. Experimental study of moisture role and heat transfer in thermal insulation fabric against hot surface contact. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2020: 1-11.

7.Yun Su, Rui Li, Guowen Song, et al. Modeling steam heat transfer in thermal protective clothing under hot steam exposure. International Journal of Heat & Mass Transfer, 2018, 120 :818-829.

8.Yun Su, Jingxian Xu, Zhongxiang Lei, et al. Numerical study on effect of thermal regulation performance of winter uniform on thermal responses of high school student. Building and Environment, 2018, 40: 43-54.

9.Yun Su, Jiazhen He, Jun Li. Modeling the transmitted and stored energy in multilayer protective clothing under low-level radiant exposure. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2016, 93: 1295-1303.

10.Yun Su, R Li, J Yang, et al. Developing a test device to analyze heat transfer through firefighter protective clothing. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2019, 138

11.Yun Su, Jiazhen He, Jun Li. An improved model to analyze radiative heat transfer in flame-resistant fabrics exposed to low-level. Textile Research Journal, 2017, 87(16): 1953-1967.

12.Yun Su, Jiazhen He, Jun Li. A model of heat transfer in firefighting protective clothing during compression after radiant heat exposure. Journal of Industrial Textiles, 2016, 47(8): 2128-2152.

13.Yun Su, Jun Li. Development of a test device to characterize thermal protective performance of fabrics against hot steam and thermal radiation. Measurement Science and Technology, 2016, 27 (12) :125904.

14.Yun Su, Jiazhen He, Jun Li. Numerical simulation of heat transfer in protective clothing with various heat exposure distances. The Journal of The Textile Institute, 2016, 108 (8) :1412-1420.

15.Yun Su, Rui Li, Jie Yang, et al. Influence of Transport Properties of Laminated Membrane-fabric on Thermal Protective Performance Against Steam Hazard[J]. Fibers and Polymers, 2019, 20(11): 2433-2442.

16.Yun Su, Jie Yang, Rui Li, Guowen Song and Jun Li. Effect of Compression on Contact Heat Transfer in Thermal Protective Clothing Under Different Moisture Contents[J]. Clothing and Textiles Research Journal, 2019: 0887302X19863104.

17.Yun Su, Jun Li, Xianghui Zhang. A coupled model for heat and moisture transport simulation in porous materials exposed to thermal radiation[J]. Transport in Porous Media, 2019: 1-17.

18. Yang W, Gong W, Hou C,Yun Su, et al. All-fiber tribo-ferroelectric synergistic electronics with high thermal-moisture stability and comfortability[J]. Nature Communications, 2019, 10(1): 1-10.

19.苏云,杨杰,李睿,.热辐射暴露下消防员的生理反应及皮肤烧伤预测[J].纺织学报, 2019, 40(02):153-158.

20.苏云,王云仪,李俊.消防服衣下空气层热传递机制研究进展[J].纺织学报, 2016, 37(1):167-172.


1. Guowen Song,Yun Su. Fibrous Materials for Thermal protection (book chapter)Wiley Group2020.

2.Yun Su, Guowen Song. Thermal stored energy and protective performance (book chapter)Taylor & Francis8214字,2019.

3.Yun Su, Guowen Song. Numerical modelling for performance (book chapter)Taylor & Francis2019.





2.织物热防护性能测评装置,2018.04,中国,CN 105259201.




