• 服装工程



田苗,副教授,美国康奈尔大学联合培养博士,入选“上海市晨光人才计划”。主要从事功能服装传热模拟及可视化、着装人体工效学多尺度量化测评及功能服装开发模式研究,主持和参与国家自然科学基金、上海市部委、军工及重大横向项目十余项。在International Journal of Heat & Mass TransferBuilding and EnvironmentApplied Thermal EngineeringTextile Research JournalInternational Journal of Occupational Safety and ErgonomicsFashion Practice等期刊发表SCI/SSCI/A&HCI收录论文30余篇(第一/通讯作者20篇),授权发明专利3项。获评IFFTI Junior Faculty Initiative Award,中国纺织工程学会服装服饰专业委员会优秀论文一等奖,东华大学青年教师教学竞赛一等奖。参与获得中纺联纺织高等教育教学成果奖一等奖,东华大学教学成果奖特等奖、二等奖各1次,参与承担教改项目2项,发表教改论文1篇。


  1. 2011年,本科毕业于东华大学

  2. 2015年,美国康奈尔大学访学

  3. 2017年,博士毕业于东华大学

  4. 2018年,博士生兼职辅导员

  5. 2017年至今,东华大学服装设计与工程系任教




  1. 2021,东华大学青年教师教学竞赛,一等奖

  2. 2020,东华大学2019-2020年度“五四”表彰,师德建设青年标兵

  3. 20182019,东华大学外国留学生“我心目中的好老师”

  4. 2019,“纺织之光”2019年度中国纺织工业联合会纺织高等教育教学成果奖一等奖,参与

  5. 2019,中国纺织工程学会服装服饰专业委员会2019年度学术会议优秀论文一等奖

  6. 2018IFFTI Junior Faculty Initiative Award

  7. 2018,东华大学优秀博士学位论文

  8. 2017,东华大学优秀毕业生

  9. 2016,第四届东华大学研究生“学术之星”


  1. 上海市晨光计划项目,2019/01-2021/12,主持

  2. 兰精纤维(香港)有限公司项目,2018/03-2018/12,主持

  3. 青岛宏双杰机械有限公司项目,2020/10-2021/12,主持

  4. 上海市设计学IV类高峰学科开放课题,2018/01-2018/12,主持

  5. 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金,2018/01-2018/12,主持

  6. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,2016/01-2019/12,参与

  7. 中国兵器装备集团兵器装备研究所项目,2017/07-2018/08,参与

  8. 中国人民解放军海军医学研究所项目,2016/12-2018/06,参与

  9. 上海市经济和信息化委员会项目,2017/08-2019/05,参与

  10. 沅江市科学技术和工业信息化局项目,2017/06-2017/11参与

  11. 波司登羽绒服装有限公司项目,2018/08-2019/12,参与

  12. 宁波太平鸟时尚服饰股份有限公司项目,2021/06-2022/06,参与

  13. 西班牙AITEX纺织研究中心项目,2019/03-2019/04,参与

  14. 纺织之光”中国纺织工业联合会高等教育教学改革研究项目,2021/07-2024/06,参与


  1. Zhang Xinyu,Tian Miao*, Wang Qi, Su Yun, Li Jun. Thermal degradation behavior of flame-resistant fabrics exposed to fires: effect of air gap type and thickness. Textile Research Journal, 2022: 00405175221104262.(SCI)

  2. Liu Xiaohan, Wang Yunyi*,Tian Miao*. Quantitative characterization of clothing's cold protective capability to achieve thermal comfort: A systematic review. Building and Environment, 2022,219: 109226.(SCI)

  3. Li Shuyang, Jiang Shu,Tian Miao*, Su Yun, Li Jun. Mapping the research status and dynamic frontiers of functional clothing: a review via bibliometric and knowledge visualization. International Journal of Clothing Science and Technology, 2022 (ahead-of-print).(SCI)

  4. Tian Miao, Zhang Xianghui*, Tang Xumei. The effects of firefighting boots and PPE load on foot thermal comfort. Textile Research Journal, 2022, 92(1-2): 253-268.(SCI)

  5. Liu Xiaohan,Tian Miao*, Su Yun, Li Jun. Predicting the mechanical strength of fire protective fabrics after thermal aging using machine learning. AATCC Journal of Research, 2021, 8(2_suppl): 46-50. (SCI) 2021.12.1

  6. Wang Qi,Tian Miao*, Su Yun, Zhang Xianghui, Xiao Yiting, Li Jun. Analyzing the garment apertures effect on thermal shrinkage of the flame resistant fabrics under fire exposure. AATCC Journal of Research, 2021, 8(2_suppl): 63-67.(SCI)

  7. Liu Xiaohan,Tian Miao*, Wang Yunyi, Su Yun, Li Jun*. Modeling to predict thermal aging for flame-retardant fabrics considering thermal stability under fire exposure. Textile Research Journal,2021,91(21-22): 2656-2668.(SCI)

  8. Tian Miao, Li Jun*. Heat transfer modeling within the microclimate between 3D human body and clothing: Effects of ventilation openings and fire intensity. International Journal of Clothing Science and Technology,2021, 33(4): 542-561.(SCI)

  9. Tian Miao,Lei Ye, Li Jun*. A triangle design framework for functional footwear for Chinese older adults. Fashion Practice, 2021, 13(1): 69–87.(A&HCI)

  10. Tian Miao, Wang Qi, Xiao Yiting Su Yun*, Zhang Xianghui, Li Jun*. Investigating the thermal-protective performance of fire-retardant fabrics considering garment aperture structures exposed to flames. Materials, 2020, 13(16), 3579.(SCI)

  11. Su Yun, Zhu Wen,Tian Miao*, Wang Yunyi, Zhang Xianghui, Li Jun*. Intelligent bidirectional thermal regulation of phase change material incorporated in thermal protective clothing. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2020, 174:115340.(SCI)

  12. Deng Meng,Tian Miao*, Wang Yunyi, Wang Min. Quantitatively evaluating the effects of flash fire exposure on the mechanical performance of thermal protective clothing. International Journal of Clothing Science and Technology, 2020, 32(3):412-429.(SCI)

  13. Tian Miao, Li Jun*. A method to predict burn injuries of firefighters considering heterogeneous skin thickness distribution based on the instrumented manikin system. International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics, 2020.(SSCI)

  14. Tian Miao, Li Jun*. Knowledge mapping of protective clothing research - A bibliometric analysis based on visualization methodology. Textile Research Journal, 2019, 89(16): 3203-3220.(SCI)

  15. Tian Miao, Li Jun*. 3D heat transfer modeling and parametric study of a human body wearing thermal protective clothing exposed to flash fire. Fire and Materials. 2018, 42:657-667.(SCI)

  16. Tian Miao, Park Huiju, Li Jun*. Koo Heekwang, Xu Qinwen. Effects of load carriage and work boots on lower limb kinematics of industrial workers. International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics, 2018, 24(4): 582-591.(SSCI)

  17. Tian Miao, Li Jun*. Simulating the thermal response of the flame manikin with different materials exposed to flash fire by CFD. Fire and Materials, 2017, 41(1):40-53.(SCI)

  18. Tian Miao, Park Huiju*, Koo Heekwang, Xu Qinwen, Li Jun. Impacts of work boots and load carriage on the gait of oil rig workers. International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics, 2017, 23(1): 118-126.(SSCI)

  19. Li Jun*,Tian Miao. Personal thermal protection simulation under diverse wind speeds based on life-size manikin exposed to flash fire. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2016, 103: 1381-1389.(SCI)

  20. Tian Miao, Wang Zhaoli, Li Jun*. 3D numerical simulation of heat transfer through simplified protective clothing during fire exposure by CFD. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2016, 93: 314-321.(SCI)

  21. 田苗,雷烨,王云仪,李俊,张向辉.老年行动模拟服在步态稳定性研究中的应用.纺织学报, 2021, 42(8): 144-148.

  22. 王琦,田苗*,苏云,李俊,余梦凡,许霄.开放/封闭空气层对阻燃织物热防护性能的影响.纺织学报, 2020, 41(12): 54-58.

  23. 田苗,李俊*.数值模拟在热防护服装性能测评中的应用.纺织学报, 2015, 36(1): 158-164.

  24. 田苗,李俊*.智能服装的设计模式与发展趋势.纺织学报, 2014, 35(2): 121-128.

  25. 田苗,苏云,李俊*. “服装材料学”课程思政元素凝练与教学实践.纺织服装教育, 2021, 36(05): 434-437+450.


  1. 纺织类专业课程思政教学指南( “服装材料学”课程思政教学指南).东华大学出版社,2021


  1. 衣下空气层形态及角度可调的织物热防护性能测评装置, 2022.02,中国,CN110412073B

  2. 一种考虑皮肤厚度分布的三维人体烧伤算法,2021.12,中国,CN108511060B

  3. 基于逆向工程技术的三维全尺度着装人体网格构建方法,2021.03,中国,CN108053480B

  4. 一种易定位的防护口罩,2021.04,中国,CN213029834U


E-MAIL: tianmiao@dhu.edu.cn
